Charlotte Nugara  

Registered Nurse, Dip. Beauty Therapy  

Introducing Charlotte, an esteemed member of our team and an experienced Cosmetic Registered Nurse. With a strong foundation in the aesthetic industry, Charlotte's journey began in 2001 when she obtained a Diploma in Beauty Therapy before completing her Bachelor of Nursing to become a Registered Nurse. 

For the past decade, Charlotte has been honing her craft in cosmetic medicine, with a special interest in facial rejuvenation. Charlotte possesses extensive knowledge and expertise in utilising both non-ablative and ablative lasers to deliver exceptional results.  

Charlotte's commitment to her craft is matched by her genuine concern for her patients' well-being. She takes pride in listening attentively to her patients’ desires and concerns, creating a comfortable and supportive environment where patients feel heard and understood. Charlotte's goal is to collaborate with her patients and develop customised treatment plans that align with their aesthetic goals while ensuring natural-looking results. 

Charlotte is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in the field. Recognising the importance of continuous learning, Charlotte has pursued numerous formal and informal training opportunities and mentorships throughout her career. These experiences have further enhanced her expertise and equipped her with the latest techniques and best practices in the field of cosmetics. 

Schedule a consultation with Charlotte today to design a personalised treatment plan tailored to meet your unique needs and discover the wide range of options available. 

Paige Garretty 

Registered Nurse 

Meet Paige, our dedicated Cosmetic Registered Nurse, who is passionate about helping individuals enhance their natural beauty and achieve their aesthetic goals. With four years of experience as a registered nurse, Paige possesses an impeccable attention to detail, ensuring safe and results-focused treatments. 

Paige has been trained in a wide range of lasers by our specialist Dermatologists and senior registered nurses, allowing her to address concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, pigment irregularities, vascular concerns, redness, skin resurfacing and skin rejuvenation. Her knowledge and expertise enable her to develop personalised treatment plans that align with each patient’s specific goals, ensuring they feel comfortable and well-informed throughout their cosmetic journey. 

Paige's compassionate and caring approach sets her apart. She takes the time to understand her patient's needs and concerns, providing a supportive environment where open communication thrives. By actively involving her patients in the decision-making process, Paige ensures that they feel empowered and confident in their choices. 

Beyond her professional endeavors, Paige values her time spent with family and friends. She finds solace in exploring the great outdoors, whether it's hiking, camping, or embarking on new travel adventures. 

Paige's commitment to delivering exceptional care and her unwavering dedication to her patients make her an invaluable asset to our team. Experience the transformative power of personalised cosmetic treatment plans by booking an appointment with Paige today. 

Kelly Spencer 

LASER TECHNICIAN & DERMAL therapist, Dip. Beauty Therapy  

Meet Kelly, an exceptional and passionate skin therapist. With over a decade of experience in beauty salons, medi-spas and Dermatology clinics, Kelly's unwavering commitment to skin health and skincare sets her apart.  

The Skin Centre is proud to support a group of practitioners who are infinite learners, all hungry for knowledge and constantly pushing the boundaries of their expertise. In this environment, there are few more passionate and dedicated than Kelly. Her boundless enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge drive her to continuously seek out the latest advancements in the field. She immerses herself in educational resources, seeks out and engages in ongoing training programs, and takes advantage of the opportunity to learn from the esteemed Dermatologists consulting from the practice. 

Kelly commenced working at The Skin Centre in early 2021. Recognising her skill and passion for cosmetic dermatology, Kelly was invited by Dr Andrew Freeman to start training under his supervision to obtain a Cosmetic Use Licence to safely perform vascular and rejuvenation laser treatments.  

Kelly has completed a phlebotomy course and is trained to draw blood for our Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) treatments. 

Kelly is also enrolled in Diploma of Nursing course to become an Enrolled Nurse (EN). Her commitment to further education demonstrates her relentless pursuit of excellence in providing the highest level of care and treatment outcomes for her patients. 

As well as operating certain cosmetic lasers, Kelly is trained to perform advanced skin treatments, such as broadband light therapy (BBL), Tixel, micro-needling, radiofrequency skin needling, high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), peels and facials.  

Book an appointment with Kelly today and experience her comprehensive approach to skincare and let her guide you towards achieving your best skin. 

georgina kelly

Registered Nurse 

Georgie is a Registered Nurse with a passion for laser, dermal & aesthetic therapies.

Georgie takes a holistic approach to enhancing your natural beauty through her attention to detail, knowledge and safe practices.

Georgie has 21 years of Nursing experience in the operating theatre working alongside highly respected and talented Plastic Surgeons and Dermatologists.

It was a natural progression to want to pursue her passion in this field and 8 years ago, she completed her Graduate Certificate in Cosmetic Nursing.

Georgie has been a cosmetic nurse for 5 years and in 2022 commenced working at The Skin Centre under the training & guidance of Dr Andrew Freeman. This incredible opportunity has enabled Georgie to provide a more diverse range of dermal & laser treatment options to give effective, safe and aesthetically pleasing results.

Georgie’s strength is her attention to detail in the treatment of fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation, redness, skin resurfacing and skin rejuvenation.

When Georgie is not at the Skin Centre or in the Operating Theatres she loves being outdoors in her beautiful hometown of the Gold Coast, amongst nature & spending time with family and friends.

Georgie is warm, friendly and will listen to your concerns to customise a skin treatment plan to suit your needs.